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Northampton, England, NN6 0NT
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44 (0) 1604 810387

Barker Black - Men's shoes that are playful in spirit but perfect for the workplace.

Est. 1880. Handmade in England.


Explore the exclusive world of Barker Black and our premium collection


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Crown Loafer chiesel toe Chestnut Calf on white detail.jpg
Crown Loafer chiesel toe Chestnut Calf on white.jpg
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from $425.00

Chesnut Calf Chisseled toe Loafer

Also Available in Navy Calf

Please note that our shoes fit half a size down. For example if you wear a size 10, we recommend you opt for a size 9.5. For more sizing information, please visit the General Info page

US Size:
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